Egerton Street Phase 3 – 2020 Construction
Client: City of London Location: London,Ontario Project Type: Completion Date:
Phase 3 of this project involves the reconstruction of Egerton Street from south of Ormsby Street to Cameron Street. Trafalgar Street to Egerton Street to Price Street, and Hamilton Road from Egerton Street to Hydro Street. Surface works include the full replacement of roadworks and sidewalks at Egerton, Trafalgar and Hamilton, including a full signal re-build and introduction of illumination. The Phase 3 will “merge” with the previous two phases of Egerton Street completed by AGM, which includes 1.50m bike lanes in each direction for Egerton Street. Utility improvements include buried system upgrades for BELL, extensive pedestal relocation’s by BELL and Rogers and Hamilton Road hydro pole replacements including aerial transfers to accommodate a road widening and new left-turn lanes.
The Phase 3 sewer design includes the de-commission of the dual arch truck sewer for the entire length of Egerton and replacement of the local sanitary sewers installed in the 1920’s. The dual arch trunk sewer will be abandoned by grouting methods complete with structural bulkheads. The sewer outlets are located just south of Hamilton Road, with 7.4m deep temporary connections in the existing trunk sewer, and specification of a “slide rail” shoring system for three manhole installations due to soil type, traffic impact and property constraints.